1:ASC(African Study Center)主催、明治大学の、Tamara Enomoto先生の、人道的軍備管理に於ける人種差別(Black Lives Matter)のお話しは、人道的な活動をしている世界的な組織の中で、常におこなわれていてる、”人種差別”いじめなど、の実情の報告でした。タイムで黒人差別の記事をたくさん読みましたが、それはアメリカの中だけの話でないことが本当にわかる講座でした。 現在、柴崎で具体的な準備に入っている、3月27日の武内進一教授の講座につながるものとして、ご報告させていただきます。 2:"Myanmar Virtual Conversation Series "By Professor Nicolas du Bois She teaches in London but now, she lives in Myanmar and teaches there. So, I think that her experience now tells very important first hand information to us. I would like to tell next two points which are new to me. One is next 1.8 mounts are the time Myanmar will become military's led society or not. Because there are certain number of citizens who are military side and we can not ignore that fact, too. And two is that surrounding Asian countries are now carefully observing and what next happen. Well, that all thank you very much for your attention and please join us next time. from K. Kumada