Welcome back to CCAJ homepage!!
First of all we all deeply appreciate for your attention to our local and global activity.
And we are so happy and proud to tell you what we have learned during this corona era.
Mainly from TIME magazine ,PBS, and zoom open classes by TUFS and reading English books about Africa and digital related information.They opened the door to live and understand this difficult and chaotic time.
To make it short, its information became next 3 points.
1:the power and danger of digital age.(The Age of surveillance Capitalism” by Shoshana Zuboff who is Harvard University professor.)
2: the big change of the mechanism and expectation of the world to the “Global World” both economically and politically.(The article’s of NIKKEI by Ian Bremmer.)
3: the importance of the voice of the power of global citizens.(Books from UNU library mainly by researchers about Africa.)
We could feel those 3 points became very helpful information to understand present situation of the world through TIME and PBS and also with discussing among all our members.But there was no sure confidence about that. So, What I(we) did was to seek the information from above information inside of the parentheses.
In the beginning we meant our activity was only for just training for speaking English, But now it became wonderful training for economical,political, scientific and ever philosophical approach toward the world issue.
Lastly, we would like to strongly emphasize what brought here is that “LOCAL FRIENDSHIP” “LOCAL COMMUNITY” and the help of Tachikawa Municipality. We would like to express our deep thankfulness here.
Our next project became how to introduce this experience to local schoolchildren as club activity at the moment.
We will be so happy and if we can show our thankfulness and help to introduce CREATIVE English language skill to answer the demand of today.
Thank you very much for your attention and we will be waiting for your contact.
Fe. 11, 20222
Kyoko Kumada
2022年 2月11日